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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I give up hope.She too it.Mother? wut mother?
Lemme ask y'all a question ayte? What would you do if your mother just said, "You really dissapointed me. I give up on you. It doesn't matter cos next time I'll use your little brother to replace you." Is that right? It's a completely against the law of nature. My mom said that to me last night just cos I went online for like an hour more. It's like on that day itself which was yesterday, my phone dissapeared, IN MY OWN HOUSE! I never went out that day so it can't be anywhere else other than the house. Someone must have taken it and I'm aiming it on my mother. I have so many reasons to aim her. Want some examples? Here are some:
  1. She's always against the whole giving-me-a-phone-thing cos I'm always texting people.
  2. She always nags about how I'm always never paying attention to her cos I'm too busy texting my friends.
  3. She said that my social life is destroyed just cos I keep texting people. (Ridiculous! I know)
  4. I'm very sure I left my handphone in her toilet. (Which she ALWAYS locks)
  5. If the phone was really lost, she would still be nagging on my ass about it.
  6. She flipped out on me out a really ridiculous reason.

It's like yesterday she screamed at me on the damn phone just cos I asked her to turn her car around cos my phone was stuck in her goddamn toilet. I wouldn't have called her, trust me, but I had no choice cos she changed the lock on the toilet door cos my grandmother kept snooping around the house. I mean if she was nagging at me in the car while turning the car around to get home, I wont mind, but the problem is, I know her very well and she'll nag on my ass till kingdom come and still won't do shit. That's why I just got straight to the point and asked her if she was coming back or not and she started going psycho on me, screaming at me in that psychotic tone which pisses me off, so I threw a gigantic fit! I slammed down the phone and started screaming away and banging the walls and doors cursing her. My auntie Joyce (the bitchy one) said I was acting crazy and I didn't fucking care. I just continued screaming and throwing everything in my sight.

They eventually called up my dad and he was like, "Do you want me to go home and give you 2 hard punches?" I was so about to scream back at him, but that would make matters worse. So right now, they told me that they could just get back my number and give me another cheap ass phone. But right now my dad just told me that he doesn't wanna get back my number cos it costs a bundle, so yeah I'm kinda worried. Luckily my friends cheered me up that day. I went to the mall with Fahme, Abi, Wendy and Aim. We played DDR and like trust me, Abi was pro! He picked all the hard songs and I was totally wiped out! Nasib not many people were there cos I would've looked like a fool. haha that was pretty much it lah so i'll continue later k? mwahx xoxo

&&Ravin Catastrophe

~ { 4:39 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Shud I wait? Truth or dare..I pick dare..DOUBLE DARE
Whoo yesterday was THE BEST! It's like me, shar, abi, fhme, bev and aim went to the mall together. Ofcos I had to pick abi first, but before that I went to RIPAS Hospital to fetch shar and at the same time visit her dad. It's like when I visited her dad, I couldn't believe what I saw! He was so skinny! Not like what I would have imagined him to be like. How could cancer do THAT to him? I felt so sad for him and also for Sharon. I cannot imagine the pain she felt when she saw her dad that way. I just pray for a miracle to happen, something that would cure him cos I know Shar really loves him and all, I mean that's her father for God's sake and she's only like what, 15?! I mean if I lost my dad I would cry the shit outta myself. Like really, no matter how much you hate your dad or someone you really love, it still hurts to see them suffer that way.

Atleast we bumped into Fiz yesterday while we were at ws. It was fun, Fiz makes everyone laugh so yeah, lucky we bumped into her and her boyfriend. We all went down to the veranda to play truth or dare and it was wild! haha..We all did the craziest things trust me. The Mimi pranced in. She was great fun too, cute and all, freakishly evil! haha That's kinda like a good thing I guess cos she's really great fun. Conservative, but open-minded jua. haha Anyways, it's like I WAS sad about the party last night, but you know, it's over so yeah. There's always my Sweet 16 and I'm telling it's gonna be THE BOMB!

My mom said that she's already discussing about it with Empire Hotel. She's close with the big people up there so yeah. I'm happy about that. I've solved things out with Kayrol, but right now I need to solve things out with 'HIM'. You know the 'HIM' I've been so in love with, well I still am, but he's not replying me at all. I don't even know what he did last night. It's so fucked up. I'm so scared that he'll bring some girl home or into his car, well he probably did and you guys might be asking, "Why would she fall for a jackass like that?" Well I can only give you this answer, 'I DON'T KNOW'. I really don't. I always fall for the playboys. I love bad boys, but bad boys with heart, you know? He said he's a good boy..*cough*bullshit*cough*. I don't really like innocent guys you know? Like bad boys who are open-minded and 'experienced'. *julurs* haha.

Aim is like that too, but problem is, he's short and I mean like SHORT! That's my only issue. I think he's up to my shoulders ja. Yesterday, Bev, Fahme and Abi went to watch Deathnote. Fame and Bev seemed like they had a good time *winks* I think they really connected, but as Bev said, I don't think she's ready and besides, she lives in Aussie and he lives all the way here. They can always contact through MSN, but I really don't think they would last. Bev's never really online anyways and Brunei guys, well no offense, but they're not really the 'COMMITMENT' type of people, well some are but mostly, they're not. Abi told me that Fahme couldn't sleep last night and I was like laughing my ass off.

Fahme asked for Bev's number and I messaged her, but problem is, it's like she aint even replying me. I guess maybe she's busy or something. Cos she's leaving on first February and tomorrow may be like the last day I'm going to see her before she goes back for another year. She's going to Singapore on April, but I'm not sure if I'll be there or not cos I don't think my school holidays this year is gonna be on April and plus, as i said before, Form 4 is like a really crucial year for me as it is like the foundation for Form 5 O levels. Call me a nerd or whatever, but trust me, I really need my parents' trust to give me more freedom as I'm turning 16 and to do that, I guess the only way is through my studies.

I just hope I'll be able to go out tomorrow cos I have nothing to do. Like completely nothing, other than writing my name on my exercise books for school, I have literally nothing to do. Bev's not answering my call..damn it..haha I don't really know how to help Fahme, I just gave him Bev's email addy so I guess that should be enough to hold onto. Aim just sent me credit and yeah I know, sweet right? haha. Yeah, he's a sweet guy. But anyways, that's all for now. I'm going to Paul & Elizabeth later to buy my exercise books so yeah. I'll catch y'all lataz ciao.

&&Ravin Catastrophe

~ { 11:08 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Dia n aku is jux a dream..missin home..emo bt happy..sick..
Thank god I'm home early today! I was so tired when I was at Orchard Rd just now. My mom dragged me out shopping and the first place she went was Takashimaya which is like the most boring section of Orchard Rd. Well to me it is cos it's like all the clothes there are meant for people that are over the age of 18. Girls at my age shouldn't be going there, we would be bored shitless!

I was coughing the whole time we were shopping cos I think it was kinda time for me to eat my medicine, but I didn't bring it along. We went to Aussino next cos she wanted to get some new bedsheets. I bought this really cool looking bedsheet, I would show it to you in a pic but I just can't seem to find it online. I couldn't really focus on shopping cos I was really tired and the medicine was taking it's toll on me. I kinda forgot that the medicine was going to make me sleepy. So I told my mom that I had to go back home early and she called a taxi for me so I went back home alone. The taxi driver was kinda busybody-ish. He asked me where I was from and all those stuff and well it wasn't the most enjoyable ride back home.

Something he said really wanted to make me jump out of the taxi and laugh my heart out. He said that he heard that Brunei's ground was covered in gold and all we Bruneians had to do was to just pick up the gold on the floor and we're rich. BLOODY HELL! That doesn't even make sense. I decided to play with his mind to I just told him yeah it's true! haha It was damn funny. He was like "Oh, so you guys have a really good life there huh? No need to work and all that. Just have to pick up the gold on the floor and buy stuff."

That's like the stupidest effin thing ever! When I reached my grandma's place I just jumped out of the car and ran straight up. I so hope I don't bump into any of these kind of taxi drivers anymore. Next time I'm taking a limo!

I bought this really cool Guess watch just now in Takashimaya. It's pink with a round face. I love the pink diamonds and the metallic pink straps, those are hard to find. I'm still wondering when Valentine's day is. Last year my Valentine's day was good, but still, not the best. I hope this year's Valentine's Day would be the best one ever and ofcourse..I'm hoping that he'll ask me to be his Valentine or atleast a Valentine's Day greeting from him will make me jump for joy already. I don't know..I'm still hooked on him after all this time. I would actually be over him by now, but no, I do still think of him.

I know you guys are sick of hearing of him already so yeah I'll just stop talking about him. All I know is I think I'm really fallin for him. It's so damn hot in here right now. It's like they don't allow me to on the air-con right now, but it's so effin hot in here! I'm sweating like hell right now! I wanna go back to Brunei as soon as I can. I really miss Brunei so much. I miss going to the mall, I miss talking on the phone with friends in the afternoon and I miss texting with him most of all. *sobs* I'm just really homesick right now and school starts in like a few days I think. I haven't even bought my notebooks yet. I'm running out of exercise books and those big hard-covered notebooks that I need for school.

The books for Form 4 aren't much, but the textbooks are all so thick! I think they're gonna weigh a ton on my back so I think I'll look for a nice messenger bag for school tomorrow when I go out shopping with my mom. Let's hope that I won't be tired anymore tomorrow. After tomorrow I'll be on my way home already! And the next day PARTY TIME! whoot whoot! I hope all my friends go and most of all, I hope he goes too. I'm so hoping to see him at the party.

Oooh Ooohh!! (That sounded soo wrong) I just got this song from my friend and it's bangin! It's this Jap song called Janne De Arc by Dolls. It's like a cross between pop and rock. I hope to get to the mall once I'm home from Singapore to see my friends, but I just don't know who to meet! I wanna meet him but, I can only see him from 2.30pm til 4.30pm and that's it. Plus, I so don't wanna be alone and after the ws peeps thought that we're an item I don't really think it's a good place to hang out with him anymore. Rumors are bound to spread around about me and him & trust me, rumours are never pretty.

Oh yeah I forgot to tell you guys about what happened last night. My uncle, grandma and I went to the Eastshore clinic in the middle of the night at about 12.45am. Crazy right? I know, but we had nothing to do and my ear was really blocked badly and I was coughing non-stop. I went there and they took my particulars down and I just waited for them to call me in. Thank god they said that I didn't have fever. The waiting room was pretty cool, had a flat screen tv and everything. When I went in the doctor checked my ear and he told me that my eardrum was inflamed a.k.a swollen cos of the flight. On the way to Singapore, while the plane was landing, my ears hurt like hell! I was like cryin in the flight and rubbing my ears so hard they went red! I don't usually cry, but it really hurt like hell cos of the pressure and to make things worse, my nose started bleeding and I didn't even know that it was bleeding cos my ears hurt so bloody much.

Doctor said that I had to eat the antibiotics and everything to cure the flu so I can go back home to Brunei safely otherwise the pressure from the plane would burst my eardrums and now THAT would be a definite no-no! So I hope everything will be okay by Friday morning. Right now I'm kinda getting better so yeah, things are turning out good. I learned one lesson from all this and that is to NEVER UNDERESTIMATE A MINOR COUGH OR FLU! Don't wait till you get a fever then you decide to see a doctor. You might end up like me or worse. Now I sound like one of those National Geographic Channel people! haha

*sigh* I still miss him~..I wonder where we'll end up..It's like he's just a far away star I'm trying to catch~

I lie awake in bed at night, staring at the white ceiling,
Hoping that u'll be alrite, while I'm alone dreaming,
You're a shooting star I try to catch, A fairytale I hope to make real,
You & I there is no WE, will we be together? Probably..

Till then to me we're just an illussion..~ A relationship with no passion,
D clock is ticking, time is wasting, but I'm still standing here alone waiting,
You're an angel in disguise, But my heart's telling me to b wise,
Is this all real or is this all a lie? I keep asking myself why..

Why am I falling for you? Why do I keep thinking of you?
Should I tell you how I feel, or do u already know?
The questions in my head are like a river flow..

You told me to wait, you told me to be patient,
Am I too early or is it already too late?
All I know is I'll hand my heart over to you on a golden plate..

&&Heartbroken Bitch

~ { 3:14 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


*sigh* You guys have no idea how I feel right now. To be away from your friends at them time when you need them the most and to be heartbroken and depressed at the same time. I just can't take it anymore. I went to the mall with Syirah on Monday at 2pm to meet him up and we did. Then Syirah's cuz n her friend came and told him that they saw that girl that is in the pic of his wallpaper at the mall. After that I just blanked out when he suddenly started to kinda freak out. It was then I knew that someone else still had his heart. Another thing is I heard him say something bout that was his gf or something something. I just blanked out after that and my mood went down the drain in a snap!

I don't know why this is happening to me. It's like he told me that if I wanted him then I would have to wait and guess what! He knows Kayrol!!..I'm like wtf??!! As I said before Brunei's a small ass country with a small ass population! Well I won't go into details about Kayrol, but what I'll tell you is this, it may have destroyed all my chances of ever being with him. I miss him so much. (Not talking about Kayrol) I just can't seem to get my mind off him. It's like he's got me under his spell or something. Even Syirah told me that she can see that I'm falling for him cos he told me that he wanted to get a new car, maybe a BMW (HOLY SHIT right? I knw) and I said jokingly that if he got a car then I wouldn't let go of him anymore and what he said next really triggered the tear-falling nerve in my body. "What if you had to?" is what he said next. You have no idea how much I felt like crying after I heard that.

He said that there are other guys who are much better than him and all that, but when you want that 'ONE PERSON', you would do anything to get him and that's how I feel now. Remember that I said in my previous blog that I'm confused? Well I don't think that I'm confused anymore. I think that I really have fallen for him, and I FELL HARD! It's like a big thud to my heart. Everytime after 10pm I would wait for his message or misscall, hoping that he would give me a message saying that he misses me or atleast a misscall to tell me that he's thinking of me. He makes me laugh so much, even the guys at ws are starting to get the idea that we're a couple, eventhough I deny it they still think that me and him are an item. *sigh* How I wish that was true.

But who knows right? If we're meant to be, we'll be together one day, but till then I guess I'm just gonna have to wait. How long? I really don't know. It's like I need to see him every single day of my life, atleast one glance will make me happy. The way he holds me..the way he kisses me on the cheek and lips..it just recharges the happiness in me. After he left ws, I totally started to whine and groan. I didn't cry cos I already cried infront of him after the what-if-you-have-to-let-go convo. I missed him so much when I got home and I just couldn't take it. I really don't know what got into me. I haven't felt like this about a guy since Fuad..and even Fuad didn't even make me fall for him THIS hard. It's like every minute and every second I think of him and whenever I talk about him with someone, I can't help but to cry silently, even when the tears don't flow down my cheeks, I'm crying in my heart.

His name is burnt onto my heart, that's for sure and everyone knows..Burn scars NEVER come off..

Other than him I really miss my friends in Brunei too. I know that it hasn't even been 24hours since I have been in Singapore, but still, I can't help but to feel so far away from the people I care most in the world. Yesterday Aim and I were messaging..he just lost his phone so yea..he's in that depressed mood that I'm in now, but still, I try my very best to cheer him up and I know it helps (: I met him I think about 1 week or so ago and from what I know from chatting with him, is that he's a really caring and sweet guy. Haven't met him so I don't know how he looks like in person, but from his pics, he's kinda cute (: Part of NF jua so it's all cool. Another person I miss is ABIIII..Gawd I miss chatting with him. It's like, he's sick now so yea I'm kinda worried about him. He called me last night, but I couldn't chat for very long cos I know that my mom was trying to overhear my conversation with Abi. Overall I just think I'm homesick.

Bad news is, Ash can't sleepover my house on Friday night, but she asked me to meet her at the mall on the 27th instead before the party and well I can't just go into the mall wearing my party clothes right? People'll think I'm a freak! haha..Well they don't know I'm going to a party right? Unless..I do my hair in the morning and..OH WAIT! I can't..by the time I get to the party I think my hair will be all messed up. Oh well! We'll just have to wait until the day of the party to decide. Turns out my dad doesn't even know, well I think he forgot that I'm going to the party on Saturday night. He didn't think that my mom would let me, but surprisingly she did so that's a good thing! I'm hoping that I won't be a wallflower at the party. I wanna dance with him the whole night. I'm beggin that there won't be an ambush..but if there is..he told me that one of his friends would tell him earlier and he'll just pull me outta the party and whoosh off somewhere else. How superheroic-ish is that?! haha lame I know.

But yeah..I hope everything goes right on the 27th. I still have to find an outfit though. WISH ME LUCK!!!

&&Lovestruck Teen

~ { 6:04 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Confusing questions & feelings
Ok I just got back from my outing with my parents and well let's just say that I haven't been concentrating on the shopping that much. (That's a first!) Well, I don't know why, but some of you may think "Yea watever, you're always falling for people." But I just don't get it! How the hell can I possibly fall for him? We just met like a few days ago and we haven't really talked and we haven't really got to know each other that well, but for some reason, I can't stop thinking about him. We act like we're a couple cos we treat each other like a couple, but we're not. It's complicated I know, but seriously, I can't have feelings for him. Besides, he seems like a playboy and yeah he does know how to treat a girl but, isn't that like the profession of all playboys?

I've seen his phone, it has like a pic of him and another girl together hugging and kissing, they looks so sweet. At first I thought that was his girlfriend, but in the end it wasn't. He said it was actually someone elses' girlfriend, but she wanted to be with him. Eventhough he said that she isn't his girlfriend I can tell that he really likes her. It's like he tells me "From 10am till 6pm you can text me, but from 6pm till 10pm you can't." What a classic move from a classic playboy right? I don't know why, but it's like I can't help but to think of him, hessitating to text or misscall him or not.

Well maybe I should just brush it off. I can never fall for him and eventhough if I do, I have to keep it to myself first and think about it. I'm so tired of making mistakes in relationships and just jump into conclusions. It's pointless in relationships and in other situations as well. I guess I'm just going to have to keep it to myself for the time being. Maybe I like him cos he's socialable. It's like everywhere he goes, he knows someone. When I'm with him I'm not bored nor am I lonely. It's like he brightens up my day. He's caring and all that, but I'm not sure if he feels the same way or not. If he doesn't then I'm gonna end up hurting myself and if he does, well then I would be happy. Right now I'm not going to spill anything to him yet, I'm just going to sit at square one till I'm sure it's the right time. Come on, we just met less than a week ago!

It's like, whenever I go out with him on a date or something, it's like he's mine, but only for that time only and when the date's over, he's someone elses'. I just hate that feeling. It's like wherever I go I keep thinking of him, like who he's with or where he is or even who is he messaging and calling. He told me yesterday that he just went through a breakup, so I don't think he's ready to jump into a relationship yet. I'm just gonna go with the flow. If we're ment to be, it'll happen and if we're not then I guess it's better to be hurt now than to be hurt more later on. This has happened to me more than once so I can't really trust my feelings anymore.

Ugh! I just hate this feeling. I hate it when these things happen. I'm going to the mall tomorrow and yes, I'm hoping to bump into him. Gawd I'm so hooked on him..for now..I think..Well I don't really know. I'm just kinda testing my feelings right now. My heart keeps telling me to text him now, but I just can't. I don't wanna seem clingy or desperate or anything. Oh yeah, there's this new booth on the third floor right next to Weststreet Cafe called Spades I think, it's operated by this Chinese guy who's his friend, so he asked his friend to do some tricks for me right and his friend did this coin trick by turning the 20cent coin into a rubber cockroach haha! I was like so bangang! Usually girls would scream, but I just stared at the cockroach in awe! haha So weird!

He did this other cool card trick that kinda amazed me. Well I can't really explain how the trick goes on this blog nor can I show it to you guys in real life, but what I can tell you is that it was really cool! And it was sweet of him to ask his friend to show it to me. I felt..well..special. I'm guessing that's why I like him, cos he makes me feel special. I like guys with loads of friends and he obviously has that potential in him and he knows how to treat a girl. What I pray for right now is for him to fall for me and forget about the others. He's not perfect, but he's got most of the things cut out for him.

I just wanna know how he feels about me. Does he feel the same or am I just a friend-with-benefits thingy to him? So many questions and feelings all cooped up in my head and no answers. It's fucked up I'm telling you. I'm praying so hard on my knees right now that I won't get hurt cos if I do, I'm telling you, it won't be pretty. I'm hoping to get a chance to ask him to the party on the 27th. I know he's going already, but I wanna ask him to be my date at the party. Weird, I know, but I really need a date to the party. It aint a prom, but who knows, a male companion may be good for me. Besides, I don't really feel safe alone there, Kaisan will be off chasing girls and so will his friend and people may ask me to dance, but who knows what will happen at a party right? And it may be a good opportunity for me too.



&&Ravin Catastrophe

~ { 4:22 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, January 19, 2007

Today has been so damn siukx! I went out wit Syirah and paid Apek the cash for the tickets and then Syirah oso asked me to book for her 2 tickets cos she wanna go wit Yus, so I booked em. For us today was the best day ever~!! well nt eva lahh..like..entah ah..it was so damn siuk wh haha in so many ways..all my stories unfolded wh..well some..actually 2..haha paknz..anywayz..at first it was like, everything was shit wh..then suddenly everything turned out good!..*ahem* spoke to syirah..FINALLY..and i think she finally got over that fear of going into weststreet!..FINALLY! haha i neva eva realised how much i missed weststreet tho..haha chill is jux boring lah..like there's nuthing happening there wh..i dnt even knw neone there..well i do..one of the waiters bt then its not fun lah! haha weststreet seems so much better now..i guess its cos ramai urg lepak there..so yea..haha so end it here first lah..im damn tired now so nyt2 ppls..im going out again tomorrow ciaooo

~ { 5:21 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Cousin Love<3

Me & My Gorgeous Cuzzy Nicole
Me making dat stupid face I usually make to make my mum laugh.
Me & Nicole agen, she's so shuweet
Outta focus cuzzies (:
Well those are some pics of me and my gorgeous cuz Nicole. She's in JIS now, 8 yrs old. Here sis is a pain in the ass so I didn't put her in haha! I know I'm mean but who can resist making her cry? Anywayz dats ol I have to say for today, nuthing much happened. We'll see tomorrow ciao
&&Ravin Catastrophe

~ { 5:24 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, January 15, 2007

Boring Tuesday morningz~
Im blogging kinda early today cos I know that later on I won't have nuff time to blog. Im going out later at 3pm with Syirah and Kaisan's gonna drop off the money for the party later. Zaym is going too, but he's going earlier. I haven't seen him in like forever. Kinda miss laughing with him. He's always doing crazy stuff haha. I would put his pic up hea but it's all in my N80. ):

My grandma just came in to talk about my maids. Apparently, they haven't been talking for a week plus already. Now *ding ding ding*! That's a new record! This new maid has been going well, but the other Indon maid is giving her alot of difficulties. She told me that the Indon maid is always acting like a boss. She can't stand it. So she just decided not to talk to the other maid. Now my grandma's kicking up a fuss bout them not talking to each other.

I was like, "If they're not talking then leave them be. It's better than to have them trying to scratch each other's eyes out right?" But being the stubborn old hag that she is, she denied ofcourse and said that we had to do something bout this issue. What the hell did she mean by 'WE'?! I'm so not getting involved in this drama mayn. The last thing I need right now is drama. I'm trying to enjoy the last two weeks of my holiday. Form 4 is going to be kinda hectic for me. I don't get it though, I went to every tuition school and they all keep saying that there aren't many subjects to offer for Form 4 students cos not many people are taking up tuition in Form 4.

Form 4 is really crucial too y'know. Next year we're having o levels and to my opinion it's better to start off studying early than to cram everything in the last minute. (Whoa did I just say that? Hmm..I may be growing up after all. But every1 says these stuff in the beginning of the year newayz so we'll see (:) Everyone's calling me a smart ass just cos I got into 4s1 HAHA..Im not really that smart, well I am, but I'm just too lazy to study. Maybe I'll fulfill my New Yr's Resolution and study harder this year. Who knows right? I'll make my parents proud, earn they're trust back and then they'll give me more freedom.

I'm so tired of my dad monitoring me all the time. I really can't study with him watching my every move. I just can't concentrate. WHEN WILL SHE PICK UP THE DAMN PHONE!!!! Oops, sorry, that just came outta nowhere. I'm trying to call up one of my friends, but I think she's asleep or something. She's always sleeping. I'm hoping that everything will go smoothly later when I go out. No more cancellations!

Well till here..Im busy taking pics haha here are some of em..f.y.i they're not really good haha jux a bunch of expressions while i was on the phone with my fwen.

~ { 8:32 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Random pics (:
This is wut u col 'kes vain brabis' Ani jua! haha cute right?
These are all just random stuff..I just took em tonight so I decided to post em up. Haha..I'll try to post up some of my baby bro's pics tomorrow..since i lost my n80 *sigh* i cnt take pics netime i want..*sigh* still waiting for my n95...

&&Ravin Catastrophe

~ { 5:57 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Welcome! (:
Ok first off, welcome to my blog! I haven't been using blogspot for a long,long time. Everyone's using that new so-called updated blog now, but I prefer this one cos it's more convenient and I can just update and put pics in it anyhow i want haha. I know it isn't really much but atleast it's something right? And I tried making it neat (this blog literally gave me a headache btw).

I know my writing looks like shit in the picture up there but just bear with me okay?! =p Today I was supposed to go to the mall with Syirah at 5pm but last minute she cancelled, saying that she had a function or something to attend to, tomorrow then we'll go out. The thing I'm most excited about these few days is the upcoming party on the 27th at T.T Blues! I asked Kaisan to go with me and he said yes!! His friend is coming along too. I'm hoping to fly off to Singapore soon to buy myself a new outfit, oh and not forgetting shoes and other knick knacks to go with the whole outfit. Accessories are a girl's best friend no? (:

I hope Syirah can make it to the party. Ahb-viously I need a girl with me! My parents won't let me go if I don't have atleast 1 girl with me. I won't even let myself go if she can't make it. I really don't know what to wear during the party. I'm thinking of wearing a really nice mini skirt with strappy heels and a nice top wit some fab jewellery. SO PERFECT! I've got the whole outfit pictured in my head already! Shopping in Singapore with my mother is going to be off the hook! Well even though I have to try and be patient with her 'ah-nnoying' attitude I have no choice. She's the only one who has time to shop with me and will give me money, well..she'll bill it to my dad, but who cares! haha

Other than the party..there's nothing much happening actually~ Nothing interesting has happened lately. Well 2 more weeks till school and the countdown starts today! Well that's all I have for you guys today. See yuh and keep reading my blog k? Thanx much! xoxo

&ravin catastrophe~
Same ol shit~ different day (:

~ { 1:45 AM }
reflections of you and me;