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Saturday, May 12, 2007

Nothing in d world matters~
Sorry for the random title *chuckles* I just couldn't help it. I'm kind of in a weird mood tonight. Don't really know why. Haha! But anyways~ I just finished eating supper. I'm going to have to skip dinner tomorrow cos I need to lose all the weight I gained these past few days. Don't get me wrong though. I'm not some kind of anorexic weirdo/bimbo unlike some people I know. I aint gonna mention names here, so yeah~ If you know some people who are like that then hush up and stay away..far far away~

Being anorexic is kind of like a sickness. It can start up from depression. So to those who are suffering from depression, please get yourself a doctor cos being anorexic MAY make you look thin, but let's face it; being too thin is just horrible! We all need some shape in our body you know. Is starving yourself actually fun?! I really don't get some chicks. It's like they're so skinny, but they keep saying that they're fat and that they need to lose alot of weight. It really annoys the shit outta me. Makes me wanna scream in they're face and tell them that they're already skinny enough and if they go on another diet, they might as well start digging their grave and building their own coffin.

Today, you can say that my day wasn't as bad, but still, it could be better. Without the stress of exams and all. School was alright and I really thank gawd for Sundays! I can finally enjoy my sleep and won't have to wake up so early in the morning. Well I used to go to Physics tuition in the morning on Sundays, but now I don't have to cos I changed to another private tuition centre in Lambak Kanan with Hayley, which I must say is way better than the one in Flying Colours. She's really patient and my Physics actually got better cos of that tutor

It's 2 hours though, but it's still the same as the one in Flying Colours, it's just that the one in Flying Colours is 1 hour each day and we go there like twice a week, but we go to this tuition only once a week, so there isn't really a difference. The tutor even offered us tea and there's like sweets on the tables, so if we get sleepy or something, we can just much on the sweets. Going there for tuition is quite fun actually. We can talk and laugh all we want and the tutor doesn't really care; as long as we do our work ofcourse~

School was alright I guess, apart from me being really sleepy. Wendy and I spent like almost the whole day in school laughing our asses off. During recess time I think, some of our classmates were playing with paper planes (Don't ask me why) and one of it hit this classmate of mine in the head and she screamed. Lemme tell you, her scream was like so loud and annoying it almost broke my eardrums! Her scream was so damn fake and it lasted for like a minute. It sounded like a goat wailing for help while some person starts cutting it limb by limb!

That is how horrible her scream actually is. I'm gonna have to start bitching bout her here cos she's really terribly annoying! She still hasn't really grown up yet, so you have to excuse her. Even the sight of her face annoys me. I don't know how some people can just live with her annoying-ness. Sorry if you think that what I'm typing down here is harsh, but it's my blog so yeah (:

I went over to Hayley's crib just now at like 6pm cos she said that she wanted to go to Express to buy chips, but in the end we ended up not going and just spent our time talking about our problems and smoking in her toilet. It's really nice there actually. We can hang out in her room, laugh our asses off while smoking in the toilet, run around the house and just laugh. Trust me, when Hayley and I are in the same room or place together, we can never stop laughing and I mean NEVER!!! I bet you'll start laughing along with us eventually cos everyone does! Haha!

It's like one joke'll lead to another and another and another. It's like the chain keeps going on and on and on. Tuition was alright as usual. Azmi came to see me and Hariz was there too to meet his girl. All of us met up downstairs after Hayley and I finished our first class, Chemistry, at 8.15pm. The first thing I noticed about Hariz was his butt. It was all wet! The Husney told us that Hariz fell down while trying to chase Husney! Hahaha!! I couldn't stop laughing at him. There were these 'lanji' looking girls who were like sitting somewhere near where we were all hanging out at. I think they're all in like Form 2 or something. They looked like underaged wannabes/posers/try-hards.

They were trying to make friends with Husney by acting like one of us and screaming they're lungs out. Ugh! Disgusting. I felt like beating they're asses to the ground and tell them to get a life. They called Husney and tried to talk to him, but Husney just brushed em off. Haha! OUCHHHH!!! They deserved it. There's this chick who called Aji's name in a very bimbo way. Like "Ajiiiiiii~~", with that bimbo-sounding tune. Kambang bulukuuuu...Bahaha!!

*sigh* My parents lectured me again about how I should stop playing around and start preparing for my Mid year exam. I really need to start preparin if I wanna get an unforgettable sweet 16. For the sake of my birthday party I will study. Only for the sake of my party. I can't dissapoint my friends. (: Well, anyways...I'll stop here. Til tomorrow peoples..sayonara.


~ { 8:02 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, May 11, 2007

stupid lectures..every1's pissing me the hell off!!!!
Can anyone explain to me how parents can be so annoying at times? Wait..Let me rephrase that! I meant moms. It's like she keeps annoying me 24/7 these few days! She just got into a fight (as usual) with my dad just now in the office and I don't even know why. I kinda know half of the story, but I can't be sure about anything cos both of them told me the same story, but different versions. It's like they're kicking the blame here and there like a damn football!

My mom just lectured me bout how nowadays I'm always online at night and how I can't wake up in the morning on time anymore. She just keeps pissing me off when she's mad! I don't know why. Maybe she just wants everyone around her to share her own misery; but isn't that abit too unreasonable and selfish? Having to spread your own problems and your own frustration to other people and make other people feel misserable too? She lectures me on 'how to become a better person', but really, I think that she should be the one who has to learn how to become a better person.

She said that I don't give her the same respect I gave her before anymore. How can I possibly do that when she annoys the shit outta me? I don't even wanna talk about it now cos it's pissing me off. Mid-year's coming really soon!! I know I keep saying it over and over again, but I just can't help it. I went to Hayley's crib just now and she treated me to this malay movie called 'Sumo Lah'. It's really funny, but we couldn't finish watching it cos we were already late for tuition and we missed Husney a.k.a Paris Hilton!

What a bummer mayn~ It's like we haven't seen him in so long! We both miss his fun-ness and humour. *sigh* I'm so stressed out right now I don't even know what to do. I try to cool myself down, but it's just so hard. At times like this, I really need my friends, especially Hayley. She makes me forget everything and she makes me laugh like mad eventhough I'm in my worst mood. It's like everyone around me is getting all depressed and mental and I just don't know what to do anymore. I want this feeling to fade and I want everything my way again.

I don't need anyone pissing me off anymore and I don't need anyone trying to annoy me anymore cos right now, right at this point where I'm standing, I feel as though I'm already on the edge of a cliff! The point where I have to decide to either jump or step back and I hate that feeling cos it makes me feel pathetic and stupid. I'm not angry at myself nor at the world. I'm just really frustrated with how life works. They say, "The bumps in life is what makes it interesting." Even I used to say that, but now, I'm starting to hate that quote.

Right now, I don't need the bumps~ I just need someone to tell me what to do right now. Someone who won't judge me, someone who will tell me honestly, what I should and shouldn't do cos I'm just really, REALLY confused and lost. I can't concentrate on my work anymore. All that's in my head are my problems and ways on how to solve them. One of my friend, well actually she's like my really close friend, I'm not gonna tell you who cos it's kinda confidential..Anyways~ She found out that her ultimate crush is actually crushing on someone else.

She cried through the whole night last night I think cos her eyes were kinda puffy just now when I saw her. I wasn't gonna call her pathetic nor am I gonna say that it's so easy to move on and be with someone else cos I know how she feels. To work your ass off just to get this one guy to give you the time of day or to even just take one glance at you and end up getting blown off is the worst feeling ever. Some of you may say that it's pathetic to do that, but don't, seriously, just don't say that cos if you say that you won't cry or try to hurt yourself at that point then you're not human.

Well..I have to go now guys so I'll blog again tomorrow alright? til then..ciao~

&&where were u when i needed you?

~ { 7:07 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Ok..I'm keeping my promise this time otay! Where was I..? Oh yeah! As I was saying~ My mom kept saying that I was a very emotional person like my dad and now I'm wondering if that's true. I don't really think so. I think it really depends on who I'm with and what I'm doing. With my friends, I just seem to forget all of my problems. For those of you who know me well or have been a really devoted reader of my blog then you might know that with my friends, I just tend to forget all of my problems and when I'm alone, I start remembering everything!!! Everysingle problem that's bothering me. It just all comes back and it kills me!

But right now, everything is fine. Things got better today. I was really stressed out about some 'particular' issue yesterday. Only Hayley knows what I'm talking about. In case anyone of you wonders who Hayley is, well she's like my new-found best friend. We share everything together. (To Hayley: Hayley if you're reading this, don't say I never wrote anything about you!!) Well, she's like the bestest friend a gal may wish or hope for. It's like we make each other laugh like mad! Once we laugh, we just never stop! Even when we're both crying our eyes out, we still manage to laugh and make jokes! Our jokes and laughter is what brings us close I guess~ The thing I love about her is she never judges you and when you're her best friend, you can consider yourself pretty lucky already cos if you're in trouble, she's like the best person you can turn to! She's always there when I need her. She takes away my troubles and I take away hers, so it's a pretty tight friendship.

We both met at tuition. We see each other like almost every single week! If we don't, it's like we chat a whole lot on the internet! Sometimes even call each other. We look out for each other alot. She doesn't judge me and that's what I really like in a friend. It makes me more comfortable to talk to that person and it's like we can talk about anything in the world and be alright with it. Funny innit?! Some people find her bitchy and I don't even know why, but I feel like strangling them and telling them to fuck off, stop being jealous and get a life cos it's totally not true.

I went to her crib just now and we were like laughing the whole way. It's like we keep talking about past happenings. About tuition, friends and other people~ We bitch quite alot when we're together and start making jokes bout things, even things which make no sense at all! Haha! I was sitting on the ledge of her veranda and was like talking on the phone with Azmi. He was like, "Gempa bumii!!!" Hahaha! Hayley just messaged me up just now. I hate it when her mood ends up like shit. It kills me when she's sad.

I'm going over to her crib tomorrow again just before tuition to make sure she's alright. Confirm she'll be okay once I arrive there cos with me there, there's no way she won't laugh! School was so boring just now. Duty was pretty much a drag~ I just couldn't wait to get out of school! I have school again tomorrow. *sigh* Mid-year is coming up pretty soon. Have to study and just catch up with everything especially Geo and POA. I don't wanna fail. (Read one of previous post and you'll know why)

I have no idea why my E-speed hasn't been working these few days. It says on the PC that the local connection has either limited connectivity or no connectivity at all. Maybe it's cos of the heavy rainfalls~ I don't know. Anyone of you who knows what might be the problem, please do tell me what's the problem and how should I fix it! Put it in the tagboard or send it to my email okay? thugette_2409@hotmail.com That's my hotmail account. Feel free to add me up on MSN kayz? (:

I'm so damn sleepy now and I have school tomorrow morning, so till tomorrowww tata~ (:

&&wipe my tears away

~ { 7:16 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Get this overwith
You know, I have to type this blog like really fast and my fingers are like going all over the place~ (Yes, I know it sounds wrong, but try to think straight and not the other way round alright! lolz) It's already 11.16pm and my eyes are like soo heavy, but I promised myself that I have to get this blog up and running again.

Mid-year exams are coming up really soon and I haven't even really started studying yet. I always try and concentrate on my books, but I always end up falling asleep on the bed or talking to someone over the phone and laughing the afternoon away and there it is *plop* one whole afternoon gone just like that.

These few days I really don't know what's wrong with me. It's like my mood has just gone down the drain. I don't even know why! Just now, when I was on my way to tuition, my mom lectured me in the car saying that I was very emotional. It ofcourse pissed me off cos at first I thought that she didn't understand how I was feeling(as usual), but after awhile I started thinking. Was it really true? (UGH SHE'S TRYING TO GET ME OFF MY LAPTOP AND STOP ME FROM COMPLETING THIS BLOG) OK NOW I KNOW I ALWAYS NEVER KEEP MY WORD WHEN I SAY DAT I'LL CONTINUE, BUT I PROMISE I'LL CONTINUE TOMORROW.

&&to be continued!!!

~ { 7:15 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Sorie for the longgg rest..
Hey guys. Sorry for the long long rest. The pc got really messed up and now I'm using the damn laptop to get this blog up and running again. The speed of Brunet is totally lagging and I'm telling you, it's really getting on my nerves. Nothing much has happened over this week. Just loads of assignments. I hate it how the school gives you a pile of assignments to do and just plops in on your table and go here! Here's your damn homework and it's expected to be handed in on the next day..Thank yew (: I feel like throwing the pile of assignments in their faces and say FUCK OFF! What the hell do they think we are? Robots?

F.Y.I: WE ALL NEED REST AND BREAKS! It's like they expect us to put our faces in our school books and just sit in front of a desk and study the whole day. As if we don't have lives. Ever nerds need a break from the books now and then, to spend time with their 'precious' video games. Oh I just remembered. My cosmetic bag and hair product is still with Ms. Jane. I totally forgot about the spot check. It happened on Wednesday I think. All bcos that disgusting bitch lost her bag with her labcoat, bra and undies in it.

I mean HELLOOOO!!! Who in hell's name would wanna take your undies, let alone touch the bag!! Can you say attention-seeker? It's like all our stuff got taken and in the end she found her shit in the canteen while they were doing the whole spot check. I wanted to take the table and throw it in her damn face! I'm telling you, she is the most disgusting chick you will ever meet!!! By saying disgusting and not posting up her pics here is already very polite and patient of me. My branded perfume, lipgloss and hair mosturizer got taken just cos of her losing her stupid flippin bag!

Does she really think that someone would even wanna look at her undies? If I stole a bag and found out that it was hers I would immediately throw the bag onto the ground, do the whole world a favour by burning it and wash my hands with detergent! Seeing her in school makes me wanna puke!

Sorry I got a little mental overe there, but what can I say? I hate spot checks. It's like, what the hell is the damn point? You take it and there's a 80% chance that they'll get a new one or even get it back from you and bring it again. Prohibiting phones is a stupid rule I must say and what's the point of prohibiting it anyways when you say that they can register it? If they do decide to register it, then they'll use it in school. Stupid right?!

Sometimes I find some of the school rules really pointless and why the hell should they prohibit us from bringing cosmetics? OBVIOUSLY girls need to look pretty right? Even in school. Just cos the DP of the school looks like crap, doesn't mean that we have to look like crap too right? I'm seriously considering changing school. My mom's already looking into it. I'm hoping to get into JIS. It's like the best school ever. No stupid extra classes, no shitty principals and air-conditioned classrooms!!!!

Damn it, my stupid lil cousins are so annoying. They're like Jie Jie Ting Tinggg..what are you doinggg? I feel like screaming GET THE HECK AWAY FROM ME!! Lil kids can be cute and adorable, but at the same time, annoying and kill-able too. It's like they're so vulnerable at this age it kills me. Ha! Ha! I got chemistry practical tomorrow and I can't skip it anymore cos my chemistry teacher is on my case already for the stupid excuse letter on why I never attended any of my chemistry practicals the past few weeks. Oh wellz~ It's only 1 hour right? And it could be fun.

My mid-year is coming up soon and I'm still clueless in POA. Thank God my mom's an accountant and her accounting skills are good. *whispers*That's why she's so calculative. Shushh~ Tuition was really boring just now. Hayley went to see Spiderman 3 with her friends at Empire just now and I couldn't go as usual..cos I'm not allowed out on Sundays. My mom calls it 'family day'. Weird..Neways..that's all i've got til tomorrow~ ciao (:

&&save me d damn stress

~ { 2:32 AM }
reflections of you and me;