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Monday, September 17, 2007

You know..I'm really thinking of going into hiatus..seriously!..hahaha i can't take the whole blogging thingy nemore..no mood to do it..well anywhooossss~~~HIATUS TIMMEEE!!! see u guys when i decide to start this up again aytes? byez

~ { 8:05 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, September 16, 2007

He's mad at me...AGAIN!
Gah..slay's mad at me again~ He turned off his phone. confirm ia marah tue. Cos tdi my friend called me up while I was at tuition and trus I had to go offline. Then I did jua message him that my friend called me up. How the hell was I supposed to know, that friend of mine came to my tuition centre? It's a girl btw..don't get it twisted. Then I had to layan her and talk to her bout the problems she was having. She was kinda having a really emotional time, so I had to talk to her about her stuff and keep her away from my handphone cos she loves to check my messages.

I had to hide my phone and put it on silent. Now he's all mad at me cos I didn't layan him from like just now which is..erm..2.30pm til 5.30pm. I just messaged him just now to say I'm sorry and explain why I had to kinda like put him away for like 2 hours. Trust me that girl can talk..and when I mean talk I mean like non-stop TALK. Seriously, I have no idea why I put up with her. GAHHHH!! His phone is still off...Gawd I'm so gonna cry now huhuhu..KLEENEX PLEASE! Habis krg sekotak kleenex ah. Hahaha

Well..anyways in the mean time~ Just now when my dad brought me home from tuition, we saw the royalty's pink mercedes 'S-Class'!!! It was in metallic baby pink..Whoooo!!!! Haha it is like the best car ever! I really love that car~ Ever since I saw it at Empire Hotel..gawd..I WANT ITTT!!!! *HINT* DADDDDDYYYYY!!! Credit card please? Hahahaha..nda deh..anyways..They were going back to the istana for sungkai I think. Out of the blue, this broken down sorry excuse for a car appeared and it overtook, lemme repeat that overtook the royalty's mercedes! Everyone in Brunei, even the morons would know that you can't just overtake the royalty's car! My dad's car was right behind the car and the royalty..entah the prince or princess or whoever opened the door and asked the bodyguard to overtake the car and try to stop the person driving the car~

The car just tried to make a break for it. LOL..funny as hell~ A broken ass car trying to run from a mercedes..right~ Like that's gonna happen. Even at the istana gate, the car didn't wanna stop! My dad..being the *scoff* patriotic Bruneian that he is..tried to stop the car..It was like Brunei's too fast too furious...Except that the drivers were both really old and yeah~ Cars sucked..well mine didn't..PORCHE CAYENNE TURBO ok! hahahaha! The 2 indons stepped outta the car and walked to the passenger seat which was my seat thank yew very much! My dad just opened the window and started screaming at them and telling them to stop cos the royalty already tried to pull them over.

They were like sorry boss sorry boss..Gawd can you imagine if they tried to pick a fight with my dad? Har har..I would be like scared shitless. I don't wanna get beaten up by 2 indons man. Haha..Azmi texted me just now and asked me why my car stopped there. He was on his way back from tuition too. He told me that he and the driver was about to step out of the car cos he thought that the 2 indons wanted to fight my dad..pfft~ Yea right~ My dad would grind they're sorry stick-skinny asses to the concrete floor. Lolx. When the bodyguard arrived..my dad just drove off. Azmi told me that the bodyguard was huge~ Well duh! hahaha..ngoks~ He said that the indons were scolded pretty badly..Tsk tsk~ Yatah..len kali jan cuba kn jdi urg fast n furious..ESPECIALLY WHEN YOUR CAR LOOKS LIKE CRAP AND YOU ARE NOT BRUNEIAN! Lesson learnt~ Never ever mess with the royalties.

Except for the shitty ones. Well those are the ones I would definitely kill. Lolx. I know a few..trust me..they think they're the shit, but they're not. They may be royalty, but just a very small tiny minute one.

GAHHHH HIS PHONE IS STILL OFFFFF!!!! Huhuhuhu now I'm really gonna cry..He read my blog last night. He said that what I wrote was really sweet and all. I was blushing like crazy while reading his message. My mom was asking me why I was all blushy blushy and I just smiled at her. She got the hint~ LOlx..yes..she can be really supportive at times, but sometimes she just makes me wanna strangle the life outta her. I need a cigarette~ *random much*Anyways..he just replied my message *smiles like an idiot*

til next timeee ciao bellooo

&&slayyyyy...lovinnn yew hahahaa random

~ { 3:13 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Que que pasooo!!! Hahaha..Sorry..random much~ I just finished dinner. So full..gah..I need a diet. Well, I had fun just now at the mall with 'slay'. I bumped into Aji (my tuition mate) there too. He was there with some friends. I don't think his girl-friends liked me too much. They kept giving me looks. Who the hell cares? Hahaha! Not my fault..durg bida..hahaha..seriously I really hate it when people whom I don't even know and don't even know me, start giving me looks. It pisses me off straight up! Gah..enough of the haters. Well anyhoots~ Aji, slay and I went over to Pantai Jerudong. We had loads of fun in the car, singing songs and disturbing people when we're on the road. *sigh* We had so much fun just now. I just miss him so damn much now.

He didn't look too happy just now. I admit, apart from watching a movie just now, we didn't really have much time alone together. I'm just afraid to lose him. I really really really am into this guy now. He made me cry just now at the veranda when he and I were together alone. He expressed everthing to me..how he felt bout me and everything. His words are sooo sweet, it sends me floating~

Yeah..well I just finished pujuk-ing him..ugh..he was mad at me just now..Gah i hate it when he gets mad at me..it just makes me cry.The fear of losing him..is always around me. I really hate losing someone I really love. Duh..sapa jua inda right? hahaha..ngoks~ Gah I M SO INTO THIS DUDEEEEE >.<" sorry..I just had to let it out. Tomorrow morning I have to go to tuition in the morning. Malay tuition and all my good friends quit already! I'm like the only one left. BORING!

newayz.til tomorrow..i need to talk to slay on the phone before he gets mad at me again. ciao

&&I LOVE HIM..gawd help me..

~ { 5:44 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, September 14, 2007

I love him..i Love him not
Sorry for the very random post haha! Haven't been posting for a very long time. Not much has happened though, so you guys didn't miss anything. Ouh btw. My party..the sweet 16..was the bomb! Everybody had a great time! Well, some didn't. It was kinda like a raving thing, you know..partay partay and the whole clubbing shitzz. It was the bomb! Well, at first it was boring, but by 9pm..a shit load of people started pouring in! When I mean a shit load I mean ALOT!!!! Everyone was dancing their asses off and some were even drunk. Too bad I didn't get to dance with Fadh..my bouncer. He was looking so hawt that night! Gah..Oh wellz..haha I had fun that night. BEST SWEET 16 EVER~

Well after the sweet 16 was over, some shit in the family started to stir up. My relationship with my mother aint going so well either. Gawd! I'm so frustrated by it. It's driving me insane!!! It's like every single day she tries to pick on me and make me feel like the enemy. Before her..I had this psycho maid, Maricel..Gah..She caused so much trouble in the house, I swear to God I was singing praises at the top of my voice when they shooed her outta the house door. Before that she ran away and 'amazingly' managed to sneak out of the house! I really salute her! I have been trying to do that for years and she managed to get outside the big gigantic godforsaken gate!!!!! I was like WHAT THE *beep*!!!!!!!!! Yes..I have decided to put on some censoring ok?! LIVE WITH IT!

Well anywaysss..yeah, she managed to get out of the damn house! I was like omg..I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO DO THAT FOR YEARS N SHE FINALLY DID IT IN LIKE A NIGHT!!! Stupid mother*beep* *beep* *beep* #&$$%%**$$%%##%*!!!!! Ok anywayz, forget it! Talking about it, pisses me off and it makes me wanna have that sneakout streak again. Ugh, that was like 3 years ago! Puh-lease do not make me repeat that story cos I really hate those 3 years ago moments. So immature and so stewpid! $#*$**#%%!!!

School holidays was fun while it lasted. School's starting this Monday. Gah! The feeling of 'not enough holiday' is a very shitty feeling I tell you. I hate this feeling. I'm so stressed out. I need a new haircut and a new hair colour. I'm gonna go trim my hair this Sunday at Kenny's Salon. I hope he does a great job cos if he doesn't, I'm gonna go mental on his ass. Sometimes, I don't relli trust Brunei's hairstylists. Very hard to find good ones cos yeah..It's BRUNEI duh! The last time I went to this salon, which was supposedly known for it's good hairstylists, RUINED MY HAIR! It looked nice at first, but when it grew out, all hell broke loose! I got so frustrated with my hairstyle that time and had to put up with it for like 3 months.

I went back to Singapore and the hairstylist there asked me who the hell cut my hair and I just said the word 'Brunei' and she just shut up like she just knew that I cut my hair here. I'm like..WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS COUNTRY!!!???? Can't they find 'decent' hairstylists for chicks here?! Do they want this country to be filled with pretty people with ugly hairstyles?! Gawd!!! Gah!!! I'm sorry peoples. Don't get all mad at me ayte. I just need to let out some stress here. I need a frigging break here! If I had a dollar for everytime I curse, I think I'm gonna be really really REALLY rich! My friends in school should know. Hahaha, especially the people in 4cs.

Well, my love life's going well..I met this dude..well let's just call him 'slay' shall we? (: Well 'slay' is a really nice guy. Very funny..kinda cute..makes me laugh all the time and we just you know, we click. He's a nice turn from the rest of the guys I have been dating for the past few months. We had alot of funny moments together. Like the time he brought me to the beach. Cali! We were climbing up the rocks and well, I don't really like climbing rocks for the fear of 'rolling' off the rocks and really injuring myself scares the living shit outta me. He helped me up the rocks and I was like whimpering all the way up like a frightened puppy.

'Slay', the little mean ass he is kept laughing at me..LOL..it was all kinda cute and comedy-ish. But yeah, we had a really good time. Good memories to keep. I really really love him..like alot! Entah ah..he and I..it's different. It's a different turn from the past relationships I have been having. *sigh* I'm just praying for the best now. My relationships don't always last very long, but I'm rooting for this one. I'm really hoping that this one will last long cos I really cannot imagine me without him. Gawd I'm getting so jiwang now. Hahahaha..This is so not me. I'm usually the 'i-dont-really-give-a-shit' kinda chick, but now..I really don't know what the hell has gotten into me. I really don't. God save me from this feeling.

well..this is all I gotz for u guys. til next time..ciao bello (:


~ { 9:41 AM }
reflections of you and me;