Hey guys. Im back on the blogging spree! (: My exams are done and overwith and I have nothing much to do online so I'm just gonna start blogging again. Yes, some of you may get tired of my on n off blogging habit but hey, i blog on my own terms.
My results turned out pretty ok. I got 50 plus for an average and thank god im able to get to form 5. year I'll b havin my o levels. damn! Ouhhh the pressure the pressure :( After o levels then i'll b startin college and after college..UNI.after uni..WORK!!! Time goes by so so fast. Bt i prefer to take it slow actually.
After college Im plannin to look for work first then im gonna for uni when im ready. Need to enjoy life first right? Cant work all the time and no play. I just finished installing adobe photoshop onto my mom's lappy. Can't wait to see what's so amazing about it. yes I have never in my life used adobe photoshop!! GET USED TO IT!!! YES IM SAKAI. hahahaha
Havent been goin to school for 2 days now. So damn bored at home. My parents asked me to go to the office to work. I was like hell no!!! hahaha. work for them? Can u spell HELL?! Haha but surprisingly they are people who wanna work for them. One of my ex schoolmate and his friend wants to work for my dad. haha so surprising. They haf no idea what their getting their asses into haha. My dad is a really really strict boss. If i were to work for him..god i would come home crying. The amount of work they pile up in the office is so ridiculous. It makes me afraid to work. haha. trauma trauma!
Tomorrow, i'll be going to gadong again with Ekam. My 'lepak buddy' haha. Ouh there are some songs you guys should really listen. These songs are the shit! hahaha no really..they're really nice to listen to. [Crying out for me by Mario, Circle by Paramore, I Wanna Be by Chris Brown, Angel of Mine by Monica and Bed by J. Holiday] Those songs are a cross between jiwang and chill-out. Very very relaxing. Hehe.
I can't wait for tomorrow. I don't think I'm going to school tomorrow. There's practically nothing to do there. Well there actually is..erm I actually have to give my report book to my class teacher. Very troublesome. I haf to go to the main office to collect it first cos i did pay for it last time bt they didn't have the correct copy that time (talk about careless and inconvenient) and they asked me to collect it with the receipt when the right copies arrive. THEY NEVER EVEN GOT BACK TO ME OR ANYTHING!!!! So I couldn't possibly remember to get the right copies. I have too many other important things to worry about.
I think that the stupid 'bangla' teacher's gonna call my mom very soon in a few day's time for the report card. My mom really hates it when she calls cos my mom hates the way she talks. Seriously there was this time she and my other Science teacher dragged my mom into this so-called meeting room, which is a dump btw, and tried to lecture my mom. My mom got pissed of the way they were talking to her. It's like they were trying to teach her how to raise me. Which was totally out of line btw. Then that stupid bangla told my mom that my should spend more time with me and everything. My mom got so mad.
But as usual, she kept her cool and went ol bitch-ness on em. Hah!!! In their faces!!! I was laughing inside and I felt so good haha. My mom told em off and told em that it wasn't fair to put all the blame on me as I'm only a teen and some of the blame should be taken by the teachers themselves and the parents. Which is so damn true. Even though I wouldn't like it, she should've done something more other than keep telling me off every single day cos when will adults get it? We youngsters DO NOT RESPOND TO YOUR NAGGINGS!!!!! Not anymore.
Maybe the kids in the past would but HELLLOOOOOOO, it's like 2007 and coming to 2008 soon! The youngsters nowadays are exposed~ We're clever now...not clever as in lawyer-doctor-bookworm-straight A's-nerd-geek-clever..but as in 'street smart'.
We know what we want and we know what to do most of the time. We do not need the adults telling us that we have no say in everything just cos we're young! We do have a say and our ideas and thoughts should be heard. We don't like having our mouths sealed shut by other people. This family of mine has this kind of habit. The children-should-be-kept-in-the-dark habit. It's just not right. We do have thoughts and ideas that the world should know. We are the future (:
Sometimes I really wonder...why can't adults ever understand the young? They were kids once too. Maybe it's cos they love us so much or maybe it's cos they think that being a 'parent' means that they have total control over which i must say is total bullshit. When I have kids, hopefully not anytime soon haha, I'm gonna be a supportive mom. My mom's supportive, but at times, she can be a real pain in the ass and a real psycho! For example, last night, she woke up at 2am and started going crazy. She was throwing things and screaming at me at the top of her lungs like some mental patient who just escaped from the mental ward~
Just cos I wanted to sleep late. It's not like I have school you know. Well I do, but it's not like I'm going!!! I can sleep late. She always compares me to the Malays. Which is like totally racist. I have no idea what the chinese have against the Malays. It's totally ridiculous!!! IT'S RACISM!!!! It should not be practiced! So what if we're Chinese? So what if our traditions are different? We're still humans!! What's wrong with the Malays anyways? I find em very open-minded and fun to hang with! There's nothing wrong with em. And btw..I still don't get it, why do people think that just cos a youngster smokes, they're bad?
Smoking doesn't prove that a person's bad or whatever. It's not like we're smoking weed right?? Smoking is bad for our health..THAT I KNOW ALREADY!!! EVERYONE KNOWS IT!!! and we teens nowadays are exposed to alot of other teens who smoke. We're surrounded by smokers. I know some of you out there who are going like 'eeww' and 'ugh', well NEWS FLASH PEOPLES, whether you like it or not, just like my mom said, any teen who hasn't thought of smoking or tried or is smoking is retarded!!!!! I'm sorry peoples, I gotta be harsh here cos it's the truth.
I other friends doesn't prove that we're bad people. We're still normal people who go out and have fun and go to school. We do not take drugs!!! Yes, cigarettes are a mild drug..MILD ok! WEED is a strong drug and there are people who take it. Now that is bad. My mom knows I smoke, and I think my dad knows too. They just don't talk about it. Well my mom does, but she doesn't mind. My grandma in Singapore, she rocks mayn. She knows that I'm underaged and I can't buy ciggies there so she buys em for me!! ROCK yaw!! hahaha
She's rugged. She's a really cool grandma. She can be really strict too, but she's understandingly strict. Can't imagine why my mom and my uncles are so afraid of her. They said that she used to be very strict last time. Haha. Funny~ Well, now she's just enjoyin life. She eats what she likes and she definitely says what she likes too. I love her with all my heart and out of any other relative I have, she's gonna be on the top-loved list.
She's the coolest grandma I can ever have (: Really can't imagine life without her. It's 11pm and i'm left with less than an hour til I have to call Aji..Well, in case you guys are wondering who he is..Shh..I aint tellin u shit bout him! Haha!! Only my close circle of friends know bout him haha. The rest of you outside that circle can forget bout finding out bout him. Haha. Ouh there was this girl who called me a bitch on friendster and alot of people have been asking me about it.
I aint revealin any names, so you nosey bitches can forget bout gossip! Haha! Well there's this chick who bitched bout me on MSN apparently with her other friend, just cos she was in a 'pissy' mood. She called me a bitch just cos I put her boyfriend in my featured friends list. Hey!! Me putting her boyfriend in my featured friend list doesn't mean that I'm going to steal her boyfriend! It's not like I want him! My godd!! I draw a line at stealing other people's boyfriends man.
I got better and more useful things to do other than these immature shits bitching about useless and meaningless things online. Gawd when will these kids grow up?! Some people thought that I would be pissed..come on peoples..why would I waste my time being pissed at these lowlifes? Unless it's a serious matter and they bitched bout my mama, then I'm gon start kickin asses.
Apek just told me that he saw Azmi with this girl and that his friend saw Azmi holding hands with that girl..My god..hahaha I got off the phone with Azmi just now and he told me that the girl was Aza..this friend of mine just salam him and dats it. Maybe that was what Apek's friend saw. Apek just saw him with that girl. And he was like so fucking sarcastic when he told me about it. Stupid..he thinks that I would care. Well, i would a lil bit, bt I aint gonna go crying and getting all mental about it. I would just chill and play him back (:
Hell yeah cos that's what im best at! haha. Apek's just being an ass, trying to get to me. Annoying much. I swear, he's like the most immature human being! For his age, he is fucking immature. But...sometimes he can be a good friend too..he just needs to get the idea of me ever being his girlfriend outta his head cos seriously, it will never happen!!! He is not my typeee!!! And eventhough he loves me, it will never work wh.
He says I choose boyfriends by looks, who doesn't?? f.y.i: everyone has their own type of guy. There's alwes someone for everyone!! Never a noone for someone. Sometimes love doesn't give us all a chance. It may take some time for some of us to find the perfect one, but when we find it, I'm sure it's gonna be hella worth it!!! Just yesterday, Apek told me that he wanted to fight with this other friend of mine just cos he thinks that he's 'ambung' which is totally ridiculousss!!! He also thinks that this friend of mine wants to take advantage of me. I was like 'what????'
Man this is one long ass blog. Issit longer than the other long one I made? *that sounds sooo wrong* Haha. Ouh yesterday I tried my hand at photoshop-ing and here's the pic I made. 
It may not be the best photoshopped pic, but hey I just started ok!!! And that was the only moto I could think of!! I had to search everywhere for the brushes and I finally went to this site for brushes and I found itt!!! Yay me! hahaha..Dayum I've been writing this for like an hour already. How long is this? haha. Anyways, I gotta go!!! I'll write soon..hopefully tomorrow if anything interesting happens again alright.
ciao my readers (: til tomorrow
He who calls me babycakes shall be...SUPAH NIGGUH!!