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Thursday, July 24, 2008

12.26pm and jobless
Tunes on my fav list now:
  1. Bust it Baby Plies feat Ne-Yo
  2. Bust it Baby Part 3 Plies feat T-Pain
  3. Baby Boy Big Brovaz
  4. When I Grow Up PCD
  5. Sempurna Andra and The Backbone

Hey peoples!! Gawd I'm bored as hell right now, gonna take a short nap at 1 later before tuition. But I'm obviously quite jobless now, so why not blog right?

So...mock oral exams are coming up in a few days...Mine's on Thursday. I hate exams...stresses me out *kicks* I just remembered...damn I kinda forgot where I put my mock exam timetable. It'll go on for like 10 days, which is like a whole goddamn end-of-term school holidayyyy. Longgggg right? I can't possibly figure out why they have to drag it for sooo long. Why not just do it in like a week and get it overwith? I CAN'T TAKE THE PRESSURE & THE CONSTANT NAGGING FROM MY DAD AND MY GRANDMA!!!

These 2 weeks have been alright for me, I just got 2 new pups called Monster and Tinkle. Azmi and I came up with the names for em..Monster got his name cos he's like twice the size of tinkle and he's brown and chubby...Tinkle got his name cos he's a tiny lil fella and he pees too much..and not to mention everywhere!!! Both of em do not look alike, but they're brothers! Crazy..I know. They seriously look nothing like each other. Even my dad saw em and asked if they were really brothers.

I kinda snuck em home without telling the old crazy lady at home a.k.a my grandma. I swear this woman has been pissing me off since yesterday!! Everysince she found out that I kept the 2 pups a secret from her and she was left clueless, she started bein a bitch to everyone. Can't blame her though, duh she's old, should be senile...not too sure...but she friggin woke my maid up at 3 in the fucking morning to tell her off! I mean..3 in the morninggg?!! IS SHE PSYCHO??!

Now she's screaming her ass off at the maid again. She's screaming at EVERYONE. Just cos of two pups who are so amazingly cute?! I confess that I now have all rights to call my senile g-ma an 'ANIMAL HATER' and you can't blame me for it! All the signs are there. She has hated every single animal my dad and I or any other person for that fact has brought home to make as a pet. I told her that the cage can be put into my room so that the pups' barking doesn't bother anyone, but noooo..she doesn't want them to be put into my room.

I'm doing my best to deal with her and she's making it so damn difficult! She told me that she asked my aunt whom she said 'reads a lot of books and surfs online ALOT' told her that my baby brother could get asthma if he went near the dogs and being the smartass aunt she was, she told my grandma not to keep the dog in the house. uh HELLO! THERE'S ALREADY A DOG CALLED SNOWY IN THE HOUSE! SO?!

That theory can kiss my ass. My grandma told me not to turn my room into a dog kennel. I just told her to her face to keep quiet and lemme take care of things. I couldn't take it anymore! I don't give a shit if that woman cries! I've had enough stress on my shoulders. This has been going on since yesterday and even just now in the morning, when I was in tuition class, she asked the maid to text me saying that she's mad cos she has to sacrifice her driver and her petrol money to pick me up from tuition.

Shows how stingy and money-faced she is. God! I can't take her difficult ways anymore! Are old people really THIS difficult? I wonder why I don't talk back to my grandparents (mother's side) when I'm in Singapore. I think it's maybe..just maybe..they respect my decisions and are REASONABLE and most importantly not DIFFICULT TO DEAL WITH!!!!!!

At this point, you can probably tell that I'm really pissed at the whole situation. I mean, things didn't have to get difficult. Everything doesn't have to belong to her. Families do not have that concept. I live here too y'know. Yeah it's her house, but aren't I her own blood too?! Atleast I have Azmi to cheer me up...we kinda brought a stray cat back home last night.

I know... I knowww!!! I'm crazy over kittens and pups. They're just so adorable and hard to resist!!! We named him Midnight cos of his big-ass pure black eyes!!! Rugged!! Azmi said that he was a special breed cos seriously his eyes were black as night. I saw the eyes and I though the poor thing was blind, but he could see, just maybe not well I guess~

He played with my packet of cigarettes, moving it around with it's paws like a football. Haha.

Anyways, I'm off to take a nap. C yu guys (:

ciao bello

&&may the stars shine for you & YOU ONLY cos you're beautiful <3

~ { 9:26 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Boring Friday
Gawd, there's seriously nothing going on today. Yesterday night at tuition was damn fun. Haris, Syair, Pyan and Syair's lil brother went to Qlap yesterday. We all hung out downstairs and laughed our asses off at the things they were talking about. Pyan showed Azmi this video clip..which supposedly I could not watch. *I watched it on Youtube already just now* It was disgusting!!!

It's called Pain Olympics. It is one of the most disturbing and disgusting thing I have ever seen in my life! It shows a man...Ofcourse, I don't know who that sick man is,but anyways, it shows a man cutting both his dick and balls right off with like a hatchet and a kitchen knife!!! I swear to God it was disgusting!

I was about to eat lunch right after that, but I passed. I wonder why...God you can see the blood spilling out of em! He even took the knife and hatchet at the end and showed the viewers how it looked like! Seriously this guy must have been either heavily sedated or PSYCHO!!!!

You can search for the video either on Yahoo or Google. Search for Pain Olympics. But please be warned that this is very veryyy disgusting..especially for guys~ And don't do this before you eat. Trust me, from my experience, if you should have sausage or anything in a long rod shape for dinner or something, you would run for the toilet bowl.

I had 2 sausages in front of me and about 4 crabsticks. God I wanted to just grab a bucket and puke. No wonder Azmi and Pyan didn't wanna let me watch it. I saw the look on Azmi's face while watching the video on Pyan's phone. It went from 'what-the hell-is-this' to 'oh-my-fucking-god-help-me-this-both-hurts-and-disgusts me'.

It was that bad. It really depends on people's perspective though. If you're the type who can stand gore then this would'nt really scare nor disgust you. But if you're the 'oh-my-god-i-just-broke-my-nail' type, then please leave this video alone.

Yesterday while we were happily talking and walking away, a sudden subject came up among us. Waj, one of our friends, suddenly started talking about the money exchange subject, he started to explain something and a helicopter flies past in the sky. It's like everytime he starts to say or explain something it flies by. We all noticed and were laughing our asses off when one of us asked him if he realised that everytime when he talks, a helicopter flies by and censors his words.

Haha. He said it was God telling him to stop talking rubbish. We all laughed our asses off! Oh shit I'm late for tuition, will blog again later ok guys? See youhhh (:

ciao for now

~ { 8:52 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, July 07, 2008

Blurtes (:
Ok..don't ask me what the title means. It's there and that's that! (: Newayysss~ Nothing much happened today..the usual thing. Everything went according to plan...except for the pracs part. I didn't attend pracs...Arul's gonna kill me tomorrowww~

She's surely gonna ask for my 'letter of absence' tomorrow. I went to Au lait for dinner with Azmi just now. We had mushroom soup, fish and chips (which is huge by the way) and finally 2 plates of garlic bread which is majorlyyyy yum yums!!!

We were sooo full just now~ And damn tired. I was sooo sleepy in Chem class just now. Partly cos it was a full-on boring! Maybe that's it...*thinks* yeah maybe *sense the sarcasm* I came outta class with a big migrane and in quite a cranky mood. Don't know why...been 'pms-ing' these few days. It's 'that' time of the month again. You girls should get me right?

And honestly speaking, if you think messing with me in my normal mood would be bad news..imagine messing with me during my PMS season. Yeah...you would be asking for hell.

Anyways I gotz to get going now..i know this is a damn short blog but yeah..im tired..n i gots school tomorrow lol ciao readers (:

&&I'm so Into You~

Md. NorAzmi...I LOVE YOU...the face i'll kiss everynight before i close my eyes, the one i'll always say 'i love you' to, the one who makes me laugh everyday and the one i'll always belong to// my happiness

~ { 7:32 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, July 06, 2008

I'm back on this!
Hey peoples! I'm back on blogging cos now I basically have some time to kill. My life's been pretty much okay~ You know..the usual crap..mom givin me shit everyday~ Dad being ok..Well my family pretty much found out about Azmi and I. It was downright shitty cos they were all quite mental about it. It's like I don't know what the big deal is...He's malay..so? I don't get why most of the Chinese people have to look at malays in "that" way~

They're still human you know. It's just the matter of religion and racial difference. The way they act is still the same as us. It's just the language, but hey...come on peoples...we all know that some of you..wait..make that most OF US know how to speak malay! IT'S BRUNEI PEOPLES! WE ALL LEARN IT IN SCHOOL!!!!

People just need to grow up sometimes and expand their mindsets. I seriously don't see what's so crazy about me changing into a muslim. I mean..it's a nice culture! Loadsa good traditions and you know..the whole wearing decent clothes. Trust me I know...Azmi and his fam has this thing about me..or any other girls for that fact, wearing short skirts or anything above the knees. He doesn't even let me show cleavage...not even a little bit. He says that it's always better for people to see your inner beauty than your outer one. Ofcourse...not all of that is true~ But yeah most of it is.

Duh..outter beauty..without it, it'll take a damn long time and a friggin longgg search to look for husbands and all that lovey dovey stuff right? But hey...My boyfriend 'preaches' (so he calls it) alot about life to me and other people too when we're lost at some point and it usually never goes to waste.

Here's a theory of my own: Would you rather a guy fall in love witchu cos of your bust size or the size of your brain and heart? You do not have to be a smart ass to answer that one...well you'd be an idiot if you took the first choice..But neways..which would you choose? I'm soo trying hard not to judge the world here..but seriously which would you pick? I'd pick the second one anytime anyday...not cos I don't look like some superficial blonde bimbo, but cos I seriously want true love. Corny..but 100% true.

Anyways, enough of the lecture..I need to get paid for that you know. *i wish* Hancock was great yesterday! Saw loadsa cool previews like the upcoming batman movie...the mummy (the new one lah!)...hellboy 2...and..............there was something else..kinda forgot *slaps forehead* It's about these 2 adults and a kid who went into the woods or some place and "fell" into another world.

Funny preview. Must-watch! Hancock on the other hand was more to the comedy slash action flick...more to the action and touching-sappy bits than comedy though. Humorous..but not much. Well at the end of the movie..I kinda lost my handbag. I went crazy in the cinema. I was all panicky and frustrated. I looked under the seats and everything. It wasn't there..~ Then we went to westreet to check it out and thank GODDDD one of our friends found it on one of the seats. Seriously that was damn lucky already. Some prick would've took it with all my cash in it and I would end up crying..But honestly if someone did take it..and I found out he would end up in the Emergency Unit (: Can you say major butt-whoopin?

Azmi and I bumped into some of our friends at weststreet after the movie..Zakee and Haris was there so was this other dude..forgot his name...again~ *slaps forehead once again* We all sat down for abit and chatted...then we had to get going to Kiulap..I had tuition that night.

After tuition one of our friends *I AM NOT REVEALING NAMES* came and talk to us..he had some stuff on his mind he had to let out and yeah~ We talked and all. It was nice that he actually came and talk to us cos he kinda ignored us for awhile, but all is forgiven~ The day went well...except for the boyfie getting mental at gadong part...Long-story, short? His friend pissed him off with a rude remark. But once again all is forgiven (:

Anywhoosss I'm done for today. Read tomorrow..keep checking. haha I'm sure things'll get interesting for me these past few days...maybe a bit more drama but i Don't give a shit..I'm not praying for drama..I'm all about the happiness now. (: *smile* yeah we all know that that's a load of crap..but seriously..haha i don't need drama right now. I need to relax. Tomorrow's monday..gawd..school..boyfie's house..pracs...home..tuition..maybe dinner..home..phone with boyfie..sleep...hope it goes according to plan..never really happens..Doesn't hurt to hope does it?

&&You shine brighter than anyone does


~ { 4:04 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, July 04, 2008

Have You Ever Felt?


Anyways..I'm gonee..will blog more soon...need to go get ready...bringing boyfie for a haircut (: nyaha..n to watch HANCOCK I LOVE YOU PEOPLES! And f.y.i:- I'm not psycho...I'm just very freakin angryyyyy..*roarr*

I love my life right now...*sense the sarcasm* (:

~ { 10:07 PM }
reflections of you and me;