Hey peoples!! Gawd I'm bored as hell right now, gonna take a short nap at 1 later before tuition. But I'm obviously quite jobless now, so why not blog right?
So...mock oral exams are coming up in a few days...Mine's on Thursday. I hate exams...stresses me out *kicks* I just remembered...damn I kinda forgot where I put my mock exam timetable. It'll go on for like 10 days, which is like a whole goddamn end-of-term school holidayyyy. Longgggg right? I can't possibly figure out why they have to drag it for sooo long. Why not just do it in like a week and get it overwith? I CAN'T TAKE THE PRESSURE & THE CONSTANT NAGGING FROM MY DAD AND MY GRANDMA!!!
These 2 weeks have been alright for me, I just got 2 new pups called Monster and Tinkle. Azmi and I came up with the names for em..Monster got his name cos he's like twice the size of tinkle and he's brown and chubby...Tinkle got his name cos he's a tiny lil fella and he pees too much..and not to mention everywhere!!! Both of em do not look alike, but they're brothers! Crazy..I know. They seriously look nothing like each other. Even my dad saw em and asked if they were really brothers.
I kinda snuck em home without telling the old crazy lady at home a.k.a my grandma. I swear this woman has been pissing me off since yesterday!! Everysince she found out that I kept the 2 pups a secret from her and she was left clueless, she started bein a bitch to everyone. Can't blame her though, duh she's old, should be senile...not too sure...but she friggin woke my maid up at 3 in the fucking morning to tell her off! I mean..3 in the morninggg?!! IS SHE PSYCHO??!
Now she's screaming her ass off at the maid again. She's screaming at EVERYONE. Just cos of two pups who are so amazingly cute?! I confess that I now have all rights to call my senile g-ma an 'ANIMAL HATER' and you can't blame me for it! All the signs are there. She has hated every single animal my dad and I or any other person for that fact has brought home to make as a pet. I told her that the cage can be put into my room so that the pups' barking doesn't bother anyone, but noooo..she doesn't want them to be put into my room.
I'm doing my best to deal with her and she's making it so damn difficult! She told me that she asked my aunt whom she said 'reads a lot of books and surfs online ALOT' told her that my baby brother could get asthma if he went near the dogs and being the smartass aunt she was, she told my grandma not to keep the dog in the house. uh HELLO! THERE'S ALREADY A DOG CALLED SNOWY IN THE HOUSE! SO?!
That theory can kiss my ass. My grandma told me not to turn my room into a dog kennel. I just told her to her face to keep quiet and lemme take care of things. I couldn't take it anymore! I don't give a shit if that woman cries! I've had enough stress on my shoulders. This has been going on since yesterday and even just now in the morning, when I was in tuition class, she asked the maid to text me saying that she's mad cos she has to sacrifice her driver and her petrol money to pick me up from tuition.
Shows how stingy and money-faced she is. God! I can't take her difficult ways anymore! Are old people really THIS difficult? I wonder why I don't talk back to my grandparents (mother's side) when I'm in Singapore. I think it's maybe..just maybe..they respect my decisions and are REASONABLE and most importantly not DIFFICULT TO DEAL WITH!!!!!!
At this point, you can probably tell that I'm really pissed at the whole situation. I mean, things didn't have to get difficult. Everything doesn't have to belong to her. Families do not have that concept. I live here too y'know. Yeah it's her house, but aren't I her own blood too?! Atleast I have Azmi to cheer me up...we kinda brought a stray cat back home last night.
I know... I knowww!!! I'm crazy over kittens and pups. They're just so adorable and hard to resist!!! We named him Midnight cos of his big-ass pure black eyes!!! Rugged!! Azmi said that he was a special breed cos seriously his eyes were black as night. I saw the eyes and I though the poor thing was blind, but he could see, just maybe not well I guess~
He played with my packet of cigarettes, moving it around with it's paws like a football. Haha.
Anyways, I'm off to take a nap. C yu guys (:
ciao bello
&&may the stars shine for you & YOU ONLY cos you're beautiful <3
Anyways..I'm gonee..will blog more soon...need to go get ready...bringing boyfie for a haircut (: nyaha..n to watch HANCOCK I LOVE YOU PEOPLES! And f.y.i:- I'm not psycho...I'm just very freakin angryyyyy..*roarr*
I love my life right now...*sense the sarcasm* (: