Finally its the end of the school term!!! We're all off til the 29th of March. Finally 10 days off from all the chaos and piles of assignments. College started pretty well then it sorta fell into a slump. The assignments are 'incredible'. Its like the teachers have mistaken us for lifeless creatures. I hardly have any free time on my hands. All the revisions and impossible-to-get-done homework.
Maths is a horror fest. Numbers look like jewish words to me. I thought it was gonna be more or less like the maths that I've taken during O levels, but it is not what I predicted. WAY OFF! Additional maths is a nightmare. I actually cried during my second assignment. It was impossible to complete cos I couldn't even complete the first question! I tried using my brain til it just refused to function anymore. I got so cranky after that. Business is alright cos I took principles of accounts last year during O's, but the teacher is just...fuckin boring. She keeps explaining shit like she's talking to herself.
Sociology and Literature AS is the only thing that's actually caught my attention. Well, cos one has a good teacher teachin the subject, well both actually and both of these subjects are sorta related to English, which is my only best an A2 for it during O's. But yeah, teachers aren't letting us off though. 'Holiday Homework'. Yes the term that makes us go either 'AWWW' or just shudder.
I haven't even started on any of my homework. Gotta enjoy part of the holidays right?? I don't know what I'm gonna do actually this holiday, but yeah, been spending alot of time with my man. Just got back from his house actually. We swung by Joey's for dvd's just now. I bought Clueless and Happily Never After 2 *DO NOT LAUGH AT ME!!*
The BF unfortunately got a Russian movie. AHAHA. He called me up just now and complained like no other. To make matters worse, the subtitles were shitty as hell. As in, you couldn't understand a thing! Well, it was for $5 so what to do? Hopefully he'll have better luck next time. I feel so bad cos I bought 2 and he only bought 1 and it unfortunately it was a really shitty one :(
Nothing interesting has happened so far. Been really bored. Obviously assignments are now part of my daily routine. Everyone at home is away at some function. One is at my aunt's house, her daughter's bday and the other is some relative's kid turning a month old. I really can't be bothered to go to either one of em. Spending the day with my man seems more productive no? ;)
I need to swing by guardian soon. Need to pick up some stuff for my room. I'm running out of boxed tissue papers and cotton swabs. Need to get me some shampoo as well. What brand should I use? It seems like every shampoo I've tried doesn't make my hair any softer, but ironically Baby Johnson's shampoo makes my hair so much softer and not to mention, shinier! I didn't even have to put on conditioner and it was already soft to the touch.
Aparently Baby Johnson's shampoo and body wash and everything is really good. Well to me haha. So yeah, might need to swing by guardian for a lil toiletry refreshment and hopefully get me a new pair of heels. I feel like buying a new pair. Or maybe a new bag. I know I sound like some A+ spoilt brat, but hey, a girl needs some pampering of her own once in awhile right?
Anyways, this is it for tonight. Maybe I have something meaningful to blog about soon haha. Nothing for me to talk about these days. Everything's been drama free. Except for the quarrels at home and out of home, everything's perfectly fine (: so til tomorrow..Stay fine peoples! ciao bello
&&louis vuitton and gucci........yes we all do dream of pretty things.........
.......................................but fuck it.